Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Backpacker Book Club

For as long as I can remember we've been having campfire discussion about great books.  If you look in the right tab section of this blog you'll see a link to the backpacker book club listing, where we talk about great books that we're just read.  If you've been out with us feel free to add to this list via the blog.

My latest nomination is from a friend, cast in the High Sierra in Kings Canyon, a fascinating book about being a backcountry ranger in a true wilderness setting.  It's titled "The Last Season", by Eric Blehm.  The tag line is this:  Randy Morgenson was legendary for finding people missing in the High Sierra...then one day he went missing himself.

I love this book for myriad reasons, mostly as it fired me up to get back out into the HIGH SIERRAS!

1 comment:

Chris Plummer said...

Here's the link to the book club: